Category Archives: life

My First Blogs….OH My GOODNESS ..hahaha

A Simple Woman’s Daily Journal

I’ve wondered and wondered lately…what in the world I talked about in those beginning blogs….Not that I’m a professional blogger now….because I’m sure not….But I just couldn’t imagine what I would
have talked about….way back there 3 years ago….when I was learning what a blog even was….
I was tidying in the collectibles bedroom yesterday and ran across my big scrapbook that I would  paste my blogs in after printing them off in the beginning…and it was so much fun to skim it last night…because I had started out writing kind of like I was doing a survey and I’d just answer the same old questions morning after morning….SO I thought I’d do that bare bones blogging style again this morning and see how it went….so here we go…..

OUTSIDE OUR KITCHEN WINDOW:  It’s a cold and crispy morning this morning….Looks like it’s going to be a sunny day…PRAISE THE LORD!!!   There was a little dew or frost through the valley when I went out to feed the critters just after the break of day….and one lone deer feeding on the North Slope by Billy’s toy box…..But so far….it’s a beautiful day….full of prim and promise and we have the ability of going out and making this one of the best days of our lives or a total flop….Let’s see what we can do with it……how bout it?

I AM THINKING:  About the friend that has the little 8 year old girl in dire need of our prayers this morning….Mom took her for surgery to try to stop her vision loss where it was and to all of our horrors….it looks like the surgery could have backfired….and she awoke from surgery not even able to distinguish light and dark…..She was legally blind anyway….but if you’d see her in her pack of friends…unless you got right up on her….you wouldn’t even have known….She was happy and lively and moved just like the other kids…..NOW I find myself praying for a miracle and I hope you’ll join me…..The Doctors say it COULD be…the swelling and blood accumulation from surgery causing the total vision loss….so we’re hoping and praying…..Please join me in that prayer…we’ll know in a few days….Let’s pray for a miracle for Kaylee…beCAUSE … miracles happen…for those who believe….

FROM THE LEARNING ROOM:  “I want to set hearts yearning for innocent pleasures and simpler times….I want to slow down myself and LIVE LIFE IN THE SLOW LANE PLEASE….I want to practice random acts of goofiness…and spread love and kindness and more than anything I want to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem…..”Spread love everywhere you go…first of all in your own homes…give love to your spouse…your family…your next door neighbor….Let no one come to you without leaving better and happier….BE a living example of goodness and grace….Show kindness in your face, your eyes, your smile and in your warm greetings……BE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world around you……….”

I AM WEARING:  My jammies…The Sidetracked Sisters say first thing we are to do in the morning is fix ourselves up…..THAT is where I can’t seem to get on the band wagon….I work in my jammies until my blog and dailies are done each morning…then I run them thru a quick wash so they’re fresh for the next night….I don’t stock up on jammies any more than I stock up on anything else…when I wear this pair out….I’ll go get another pair  🙂

I AM CREATING:  A picture collage for behind our porch swing….I had intended to get it done  in early summer….but I’ve been busy….it’s a big window and a small window that hang behind the swing on the brick wall…and I’m putting black and white pics in them of close family thru the years….the smaller window in just going to be Billy and me thru the years…..Can’t WAIT to get those done……They’ll be very warm and fuzzy….and I’ll post pics when they’re done….

I AM READING: I have no specific book going at the moment….but I’m always skimming my health books and have even this week….”Fat Sick And Nearly Dead” for one…..LOVE to study in my natural healing books….

I AM HOPING:  To see my video today…”Hungry For Change”  … my back was just hurting too bad last night and we ran late with supper because Billy went hunting and I want to be wide awake and alert when I see it….Hopefully early afternoon today…before Billy heads to the woods and I head to church…..

TODAY I”M GOING:   On a scavenger hunt…and I’m going in just a bit…..South Gate is needing me to find an item that has been taken off the market, temporarily…and I’m going to see what I can do….
THEN…I’m going to help Billy haul and stack wood on the porch to get ready for winter….yaaahhhhh FIRE PLACE TIME……

I AM THANKFUL FOR:   OH my GOODNESS….MY GEEZER AND KIDS for one thing…and then my storybook life in La La Land that the geezer has given me…….My beauty may not stop traffic and no one may ever stop me and ask me where I got my outfit….but my life….oh my goodness…it’s the living end….

FROM THE KITCHEN:   I’m making chili today….which means deliveries…I always take Kim some….always took daddy some when he was living….and today I’m taking chili to a grandma that’s raising her little grandson….The woman is an athiest and won’t even let you say “GOD” or “CHURCH” in front of her grandson…..But I’m going to take them some of my award winning chili and a sleeve of crackers and get my foot in the door and that will be my day 3 gift in my 29 days of giving project…..Shall we pray  🙂

MY WORST FAULT:   I’m about as judgmental as they come….I question you first….trust you second…and I’m sorry about that….But I’ve been stabbed in the back by my own immediate family and even so called friends….SO I’ll feed and even clothe you if you’re hungry or matter what….but to get on my invitation list for supper…you have to prove yourself….I talked to Bro Tony about this once at church and he said he knew I MEANT well…and to consider myself a ‘fruit inspector’….and once in a while he’d be talking about being judgmental and he’d say “Kay is one of the best fruit inspectors I know”  :-/   ooooooooooooooooh geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz

FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY:   Oh goodness….I LOVE early mornings when I blog…I LOVE BLOGGING…but if I don’t get going by about 5 or 6…I’m in trouble….and I ABSOLUTELY CHERISH our evenings together….whether we’re throwing the clicker back and forth trying to find something…or just gabbing about the price of rice in China……

Well…that’s it for today….The geezer is up and going…and South Gate needs me to find that item and get it to them asap…..

Peace and love from the canyon….I love you all gobs….and thanks so SO much…for stopping by….

This has been a birdseye view of the katydid…until next time…you are loved.

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