Category Archives: toxins

Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows with a Bandaid in Round Knob Canyon

Sunshine, Lillipops and Rainbows with a Bandaid in Round Knob Canyon

Well…it’s a warm and fuzzy, grand and groovy, zippity doo dah day in Round Knob Canyon this morning…it’s almost gardening and spring cleaning time…and it’s sunshine, lollipops and rainbows…with a bandaid in the canyon…
OH my GOODNESS…I was working away in the house yesterday, trying to get calmed down from worrying about Bro Shawn and him passing out during the sermon at prayer meeting on Wednesday night…and we had our tree cutter’s here to cut down a big old dead tree that was falling one big limb at a time during storms.. across our lane coming in the house…And I had told Billy who was running in and out to let me know when the big trunk of the tree was about to come down and I’d come and watch….so he came in to tell me and went back to the door to watch and before I could get to the door…I heard a big THUD…Goodness…aNOTHER…’thud’?  OH mYYY…and before I could get to the door, Billy said “OH nooooooo one of the boys up there is hurt…”  And one of the limbs off of the trunk…had swiped his leg on the way down and he was bleeding like a stuck pig…and the front leg of his jeans were gone…he looked like he had bought them at an expensive department store…except there was blood gushing  :-0 
Sooooooooooooo Jan ran to the house for a roll of paper towels and they loaded him up in the truck and headed to the hospital with him….37 stitches…OH my GOODNESS…
This has NOT been our year….I WILL NEVER EVER EVER start another new years blog with the statement “This is going to be the best year of my life”  beCAUSE…this has been one of our most nerve wracking so far…and my goodness, it’s only March 8th.

Speaking of March 8th, real quick…I think it was on March 8th…about 55 years ago…that a group of my friends and I headed out of Metropolis from what used to be called 5 Point and we were going to walk to New Columbia…16 miles away…have lunch at that old country store there…and walk home…32 miles total…for a group of young girls ages 12 to about 16. 
We started about 5am that morning…and GADS it was cold….We walked right past this spot that was going to become my dream home just about 10 years later…and on into and through Round Knob and on up towards New Columbia….We had a big time, I’m telling you…laughing and gabbing and skipping and taking breaks along the road…WMOK radio heard about our trek and on and off during the day…folks would drive out to see how we were doing…and often along the way as this one or that one would come out and check on us…we’d loose one or two ‘walkers’ and they’d go back home with who ever had come to check on us THAT time ðŸ™‚   We made it to New Columbia by high noon….had lunch on the porch of that big old country store…and headed back…getting back home about 5….About a 12 hour day…for a bunch of little girls that had no technology to keep us busy….no cell phones with lots of buttons…no computers to keep us in one spot all day….just our imaginations and tons of energy…something you don’t see in many kids these days…..But OH my GOODNESS…what a day we HAD…I think about 16 of us started that morning at 5am…but only about 6 of us made it all day long…I was one of them…the trek was my idea…and I had an absolute BLAST as did all the others…Some of us were just more up to it than the others…..But oh goodness…the memories from growing up in the 40’s and 50’s and 60’s…I wrote about that just the other day…and I could write about that subject every single day, I think…

I’ve said before that in those days…it was so common for extended families to all live under one roof and that’s how it was for us until I was 9 years old and daddy bought the house on 5th Street that was to be our old home place until mom and daddy both passed…
But I can remember so well….the years of living with grandpa and granny on East 3rd Street…and grandpa had a worm and minnow farm and granny had gardens and chickens and old sheds for this and that and the other thing…Boy it was HEAVEN in their backyard, I’m telling ya’….Rows of garden wonders and Hollyhocks and corn that towered over my head and it was the perfect place to play jungle and cowboys and indians on those spring, summer and fall days…I have many good memories from our home on 5th Street…but nothing can ever compare to the memories of growing up until I was 9 years old at Granny’s house…I got a late start this morning…but one of these days I’m going to tell some stories from “Growin’ Up At Granny’s”   

But toDAY…it’s March 8th, 2013 and I’m 66 years young and still down in my back with 2 numb fingers which are FINALLY…FINALLY…waking UP…THANK YOU DR LANGE!!!!!!!!!   And it’s sunny today and I’m beginning to feel the first tinges of Spring Fever and the gardening bug has already taken a big chunk out of me and I’m SOOOOOOOOO anxious to get busy…But, by necessity.  I was WAITIN’ on this sunshine…I guess I’m one of those people that needs sunshine…it’s been a long winter for me AND I AM a real homebody…but gads….even a goofy gander dingbat can take only so much rain and snow and gloom….

My sweet annie is coming up…so I need to get some pots lined out and take those little springs up and get them going and growing….I have absolutely NO CLUE how much Sweet Annie left out of here last spring and summer….but this year  And summer before last..just the sweet annie…WAY more than paid for our booth at the antique mall AND it was $2.50 then too……I’m hoping you can pick it up at Kims and the plants will be $2.50 and worth their weight in gold..because that aroma just can’t be beat and those little jiggers will grow to from 6 to 8 feet tall…if you put them in the right spot…and just 2 or 3 sweet annie plants…planted this spring or summer…will give you sweet annie for the rest of your life…and it spreads each year…

I’m so late today…so I’m going to wrap this one up….and below you’ll find a little more on the liver and it’s function and how to keep it healthy so you can be healthy over all….

I hope you all have an absolutely grand and groovy…rest of today…Peace and love from the canyon and thanks so SO much for stopping by…This has been a bird’s eye view of the katydid and until next time…you are loved!!!

You have NO IDEA…how sweet and heavenly this Sweet Annie smells…you can plant it around your front and back porches or steps or under the kitchen window and Ooooooooooooh my..the sweet scent just drifts right in the house….

BLOG #2  Your LIVER is your LIFELINE

DID you KNOW that our liver is so good at rebounding…that if 80% of it is taken out…it would reboot within 3 months?  Yup!!!   And our bodies can function on as little as 1/16 of our livers…But so many of us have a congested or fatty liver…and that comes about from junk food…meds…poisons in our water and air…because everything filters through the liver…And it’s the duty of the liver to eliminate poisons and toxins from our bodies…and we accidentally overload our livers every single day….It’s also responsible for metabolizing fats and carbs and it aids in digestion and the absorption of fats…It’s a busy little rascal

A fatty or congested liver is just where junk and fats have accumulated in the liver and it just gets overloaded because it just can’t work as fast as we’re poisoning it….The liver has to remove poisons and toxins from absolutely every single thing we ingest…and it helps to regulate our blood sugar and just keeps us healthy in general…..SOOOOO it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to be really healthy…with a fatty or congested liver…

Non Alcoholic fatty liver…is now the most common cause of liver disease in the United States…So many folks think…if they hear of someone with Cirrhosis of the liver…”Oh GADS…what a DRUNK” hahaha  But nooooooooooooooooo Cirrhosis can come about from a very poor diet OR even too many meds….
I can name 2 people right off the top of my head….one was on her death bed and family was standing by waiting…and the other was in a nursing home…diagnosed with late stage Alzheimer’s..and come to find out they were BOTH just over medicated…and when that fact came to light…because of nosey family members asking questions and getting to the bottom of things…they both snapped right out of it….I’m telling you….We MUST take control of our own health and any illnesses we come down with….we MUST stay alert and ask questions if we have family in the hospital or even going down hill too fast…

I’ve had people call me in a panic and say “I’ve just come from the doctor and I have a fatty liver…HELP”  And I say “MOST of us have a fatty liver….just change your diet and lifestyle and BINGO…you’re better….Research says 24% of adults have fatty liver …”I” think more than that do..and that’s just because we’re feeding our faces too much junk…taking way too many meds…taking in more toxins and poisons…even in medicines…than our bodies liver can filter OUT….

To reverse a fatty or congested liver…just eat healthy….little or NO sugar or high carbs…not even fruit…because to reverse a congested liver…fruits just have too much natural they need to be left off until you get the job done and THEN add them back slowly and reasonably…eat LOTS of raw veggies…drink LOTS of water with lemon…Fresh lemon in water…first thing in the morning..helps to jump start the action of the liver…..

I’ve told this story before….but we’ll be out and about and I’ll see someone with a protruding tummy that looks very hard….not saggy like from fat…but protruding and hard like they swallowed a beach ball….THAT is a person in DANGER …and they need to get to cleaning their liver ASAP…like starting YESTERDAY…..I’ll see someone like that and I’ll say to Billy..I feel like I need to go tell them…their life is in danger from their diet and about their liver…”  Billy will say “Go ahead…and while you do that I’ll go call the cops and the ambulance for YOU”   :-/   geeeeeeeeeeezzz you just can’t help ANYBODY these days…..

I had 2 ‘friends of friends’ that came down with Cirrhosis….one was given 2 months to live…one was given days….Each of them had family that contacted me…so I told the family “Go to Golden Carrot and get the best and strongest form of Milk Thistle you can get and double whatever the dosage is on the bottle…and don’t miss a dose…and to that add warm water with lemon a few times a day….BOTH of those men are out and about today and actually feeling better than “I” do right now…..One just recently told me his doctor said “WHAT in the WORLD did you DO….You’re supposed to be DEAD by now”  🙂

We can all take Milk Thistle…but for maintenance or to mildly reboot your liver…just take it as directed….And you can get it at Walmart or a health food store or online…..

Ok….that’s it on liver for today…..gotta get busy….the geezer is out working already and I’m still in my jammies……Peace and love and I love you all and Lord willin’ we’ll meet back here in the morning…..

A person with a bad liver will often have a tummy that is ‘high..hard and protruding straight out’ like a pregnancy…it’s not like a drooping fat tummy….

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