Category Archives: mystery ride

Slowing Down To Get Back To The Fast Track

Ok…Here’s the deal!   If Billy calls you up next week and asks if you have any brush you need cut and hauled off….or any little trees you need moved…or any holes you need dug…..YOU TELL HIM NOOOOOOOO!   That Rascal has worked my setter down place off for the last 2 or 3 weeks…and for the last week…at the end of each day…he’d say…”Ok…this is it…we’re gonna let Wilson get the rest of it”…But sure enough…the next morning..we’d get back up and he’d say…”You know…If we went up on the bluff and worked another few hours…we could knock a big wad off of Wilsons bush hogging…So we’d go back up there and spend another day….clearing and dragging and hauling….

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Now it was really tons and tons of fun….and I absolutely loved every minute of it…and I’m being as serious as a heart attack in saying it was really REALLY fun…I ‘said’…and I absolutely ‘meant’…that the last 3 or so weeks of clearing brush with that rascal…have been my most enjoyable days this year…..But winter is right on us now…and I think we need a day or two…just to…….ooooooooooooooh…go JUNKING!!!!!!  I need a good junk fix….junkin’ trips have been slim pickin’ this year….in fact…I think I’ve only had one junkin’ day..and that was with Kim back in the spring and we had an absolute blast…but it’s time to slow down….and savor some moments…..We’re still ‘on track’ with our fast track program…but it’s time to watch it a little closer and move a little faster on the fast track to better health….so we can move on to juicing and building up our immune systems before winter…..

My back is really REALLY needing a little bit of a has just almost done me in this past week…those 4 bad disks I thought I had in sleeping mode…have awakened…and they’re not happy….and I need to clean the carpets next week…and do up all the curtains….So I’m hoping we throw a little warm and fuzzy…into our week…next week.
Well…we had a great time with the geezers minus Tom and Shannon last night….They had already made other plans…..but Cabbage and Dixie came for a first bonfire and we just had a great time….It got just a little cold by about 8:30…and it had been about 80 degrees when we went down to the fire pit…so none of us were dressed for the cold snap….about 9:15…we women headed for the warmth of the living room…….But oh my goodness….the stories and giggles and gossip….I could tell you a head full…..but I won’t.   🙂
I’d like to have one more bonfire before it gets cold…and have Bob and Ginger out and two or three other gals…that we went to school with…and their husbands….it won’t be a geezer gang night….but it will still be old geezers…I’m hoping to do that…so we’ll see…..
When the geezer gang comes to our home…I always like to have something to send home with the geezer gals…it’s never anything big at all…but I just love giving a little something to everybody that comes out here…as they’re leaving…..and I had 3 little gift bags setting on the kitchen table…and I was so cold when we came in….I didn’t even notice those gift bags on the table and forgot all about them….and no one mentioned them… “I” still have their little gifts…….Now the geezers sat right down at that table when THEY came in…and they should know by now that I usually give little gifts to their wives….but they didn’t even mention the little gift bags…connecting their noses around the kitchen table…..hahaha
And Billy didn’t even think of it…and he had even said earlier….”Are you going to tie up some little bouquets of Sweet Annie to give to the girls?”  And I said, “No because they all got that last year and even planted their own….but I already have gift bags set out for them….with a little something warm and fuzzy in them”  But he still forgot too……..
I should have asked Dixie if ‘she’ wanted Sweet Annie…because it is kind of a rare herb…and it’s so scrumptious smelling and gorgeous when it grows so tall and full……..I had some drying on the back porch..and it really needs just a little longer to dry….but I could have made her a little twig bouquet…the aroma of Sweet Annie is absolutely heavenly…and is said to last 100 years….and I’ve said before…I have no idea…who lived long enough to DO that experiment….But it’s my favorite…all time…herb.  
ooooooooooooooh La La….
Well…today is the flea market down at Washington Park…and Kim and I are going down there….I hope it’s a good one..but I’m not holding my breath……Seems like Metropolis isn’t very good at putting on things like that….
From the time Kim was 6 years old…until after she was grown and left home….we did a gazillion craft shows…..and we did some in little towns the size of Round Knob….and thousands of people would be so thick in those little towns…you couldn’t hardly get around……..Back in the old days of good homey craft shows….ladies who followed those shows were so passionate about it….they would just mob the place…as soon as it opened…and it was nothing…not to be able to get away to the little girls room for 4 or 5 hours…..because the crowd and buying frenzy was so great….it always took Kim and I both…just to wait on customers…until the frenzy died down in the afternoon…..
I’d love to be over something like that in Massac County….We see these reports in the news of 80,000 people coming to town for this and that…..or 120,000 people…….hahaha….I don’t know who’s nipping the bottle and trying to count….but let me tell ya…..we’ve been in many MANY craft shows with 20,000 and you can’t BREATHE or MOVE…………………so no…we’ve never had 120,000 people at ANY function in Massac County….what we have are people that get so excited at looking at a fair sized crowd…they lose their ability to count….or their machine malfunctions or something….there have never EVER been….80,000 people at a function in Metropolis… me……   🙂   But Kim and I could BRING a mob of people here….tons larger than Massac County has ever seen…..But the little guy the city had….that had the degree in promoting functions…..really didn’t have enough common sense or hands on experience in being a part of a huge function….to go along with it…Some things…you just can’t find…in a book….and then somebody took it that has NO degree…and NO common sense….The person they need to bring in and promote functions in Metropolis….is a person with hands on experience in ‘participating’ in hundreds of them…..But then…who asked meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…….
Well…I’m gonna get going…..But I’ve got a big confession coming up for ya….maybe tomorrow…maybe Monday…but it’s an experiment I did ‘by accident’…and out of gross need….and I was absolutely shocked at the outcome……It will show you just how perfect I am NOT…..I get pm’s often…from some of you telling me how you envy my life….you like this or that about my life and my stories…….but listen you guys…I have plenty of bad days myself…and I don’t have anything you can’t have….except Billy….hahaha   
It’s all about attitude…if you goof up and fall in a big heap of sawdust in your Sunday Go To Meetin’ best…you just get up…brush yourself off really good…and move on…..and always remember this….”If Someone Can Discourage You….THEY Win”   And we always want to be winners…not necessarily THE winner…but we all want to be winners…..NOBODY…wants to be a loser or full of gloom, despair and agony on end…….so we just have to do the best we can do…with what we have to do ‘with’….Now let’s all get our song books and turn to page 162…Standing as we sing…………   🙂
I hope you all have a super grand and groovy weekend……that’s what we plan to do…..We have a mystery ride tomorrow…and I’ll tell ya about that next week too….it’s some place you may want to go when you have time too and it’s within an hours drive……We haven’t even been there yet ourselves…just heard about it…and I thought we could all use a good mystery ride……
Spread some sunshine of your own today…..give yourself a giggle….and if the good Lord’s willing and nothin’ don’t bend…pop…snap or squeak…..we’ll all meet back here tomorrow….
Peace and Love
This has been a birdseye view from Round Knob Canyon and the world of the Katydid…until next time…you are loved…….