Category Archives: needy families

WAY Beyond Desperate……

WAY Beyond Desperate…

Well….I get so many pm’s telling me how much many of you love it when I talk about lasting relationships and love and warm and fuzzy….hahaha   If I go too long gabbing about world matters and this and that….sometimes I’ll open a pm and all it will say is…..”Where’s the warm and fuzzy?”   hahaha
And I had another request just a bit ago to talk about lasting love through a marriage…so I’ve been going to blog about “Lasting Love Through The Ages”….and I’ll do that…this week…if I can get to it…

But today we have a very VERY urgent matter…and we’re going to talk about another kind of love …and that love is…..Love of your neighbor…..Now I mean that as a figure of speech…..because what I REALLY mean is….just loving everyBODY…..FIRST….until they give you a reason to feel otherwise….and let me assure you….few have been stabbed in the back….more often than meeeeeeeeeeeeee….hahaha And those of you who read regularly…know that….but I STILL….I love FIRST…until people give me a reason to feel otherwise…

Right this minute….I know of a little boy and girl in the 4th and 5th grade….right here in my own hometown of only about 10,000 people….and they woke up this morning… absolutely NOTHING….No electricity….no running water….no furniture…that’s ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOOOO FURNITURE….they have the clothes they wore yesterday and just a few other pieces…..and if Suzanne and her friend and I had not taken them food yesterday….they would have awakened and gone to school….with empty little tummies….

Now HOW could this happen….right here in our own little hometown of Superman?  I mean…we KNOW there are less fortunate and ‘poor people’ here…..our plants and businesses are shutting down here…just like they are in little towns across the country….But less fortunate and POOR….is one thing…..DESTITUTE…with absolutely NOTHING….is absolutely unacceptable when we have people all around us….just throwing money away…….

I came in to the desk yesterday morning to find a message about a family that was absolutely destitute….they had no electric…no running water…absolutely NO furniture………… that food….they were living in an old delapidated house with some of the windows out…holes in the walls and floors…the kids didn’t have but a few clothes…I’m telling you the truth….I just almost can’t even fathom this situation……it’s almost like they’ve been living out in a woods somewhere and scrounging for food……

But now HANG ON….just one minute….beCAUSE … “I” DO KNOW….there is something fishy and stinky, stinky poo… in Denmark……SOMETHING is desperately WRONG with this story…..but the heart of this story IS….there are 3 little kids…one not even in school……who have absolutely nothing…but the clothes on their backs….So I was contacted yesterday morning and asked if I could help and find even more help….because this absolutely isn’t a situation where little old Katydid from Round Knob Canyon can come flying in on her garden rake…and save the day….

So I posted the facts on my facebook profile page….and offers of help started coming in….we now have donated….a frig..a couch and other furniture…mattresses…a few clothes…windows…..labor from a carpenter…….AND Suzanne is kind of wanting to see if we can’t put this family up in a motel for a day and night and several go in and scrub that place down and clean it and paint it and fix it up with the donated furniture and other things…..So we’ll see…..

I’m in such a rush this morning….but I wanted to share this information with all of you….and give YOU a chance to help if you’re close by…..It’s one thing to have a needy family……but this is just a desperate situation…….
I called our pastor yesterday morning as soon as “I” got the word…..and he was in a pastors conference out of state for the day….but said he’d see to them this morning…..So I started scrambling to see what “I” could do YESTERDAY….and Suzanne and a friend took them non perishable food after school…and a ice chest and ice and soft drinks and paper plates/cups, etc…and I took them supper and some fun snacks for the kids…..But as I sat on my 25 year old…but very plush love seat last night…watching tv….I kept wondering what these kids were doing…..When Suzanne went by…she said they were just setting on that big mattress…doing nothing….like it was a piece of gold and they were so proud to have it….

They will be getting a visit from Weaver Creek this morning….and we’re going to go from there…There are questions that just need to be asked and answered….and you all know what they are…I don’t have to put it in black and white…right here…..But we’ll know more….later today…..I had 4 phone calls last night….people offering help…and many messages…..but still….they need so much…we still need help for you……So if you’re local and would like to help….just let me or Suzanne know…and if you’re local…you know who Suzanne is too  🙂  Suzanne could have been my twin….born YEARS after I was born….hahahaha   I love that girl….she has a heart of gold…..and she’s like me…she jumps first and asks questions later…..

When I hear of a family with no food…..I just panic…..hahaha And I can’t get there fast enough….But yesterday… goodness gracious….I almost felt like calling 911…..because this just sounded like a REAL emergency situation… me….

If you’re far away….across the miles…you can still help…because this family needs prayer…and just think of the other families across the country….just like this….that we don’t even know about….

I’ll update on my profile page later today….and I’ll update you all right here tomorrow…regardless of what else we talk about……

Peace and love from Round Knob Canyon….I love you all and thanks so much…for stopping by….

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